11 PaĄdziernik 2024, imieniny obchodzą: Aldona, Emil, Marian

Nasz adres:
ul. Rynek 19
33-300 Nowy Sącz
tel. +48 18 547-54-74
e-mail: nit@onet.eu
GG: 28766416
Skype: nitbiuro

Zarabiaj na turystyce

W dniu 11.10.2005 Minister Gospodarki i Pracy nadal Nowosadeckiej Izbie Turystycznej odznake "Za Zaslugi dla Turystyki"

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DATE: September 7-10.2004r.
PLACE: Krynica Zdrój - Małopolska Province - Poland
ORGANIZATION UNIT: Nowosądecka Izba Turystyczna - NIT (Nowy Sacz' Chamber of Tourism)
Mr. Aleksander Giertler
Chairman of the Board NIT
Aleksander Giertler
Mr. Marek Szczepański
Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy and Labour - Poland
Marek Szczepański
Mrs. Tatiana Lapicus
Viceminister Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Moldova
Mr. Zdenko Micic
State Secretary for Tourism Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development - Croatia
Mr. Ahti Kuningas
Head of Department Economic Development Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications - Estonia
Theme: "Problems of Attainability of Tourist Transport in Central European Countries"
THEMES: Here are Seminary thesis:
  1. State of main roads and railway tracks in countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
  2. Border crossings - infrastructure and well-disposability for tourism.
  3. Security on roads and railway tracks and possibilities of rest during tourism trip.
  4. Tourism transport(railway, road and air) included in National Strategy of Development.
  5. Elements of necessary international cooperation in creating of beneficial conditions of tourism transport in countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Please send questions to the moderator at the following address: agiertler@mnet.pl

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